Quick Tip: How To Include Logback Configuration In Grails Plugins

July 24, 2018Bud Byrd10 min read

By default, Grails excludes the logback.groovy file (among others) when plugins are assembled into JAR files, and for good reason. A plugin should not include the logger configuration, since the plugin would unexpectedly influence the configuration of the applications that include it.

I had a use case where I actually wanted this behavior, however. At my work, we write small applications that roughly provide a feature. They’re not quite microservices, but they’re not monolithic either. Since we write so many applications, we want to ensure that, as much as they can, they behave similarly. I needed to add a standard logger configuration to our standard library, but found that the logback.groovy file was excluded from the build.

To include the Logback configuration in a plugin build, simply add the following to your build.gradle file:

jar {

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